Do We Need a Pandemic Treaty Now?: Policy Brief by People’s Health Movement

Many issues which need to be addressed to properly strengthen international health emergency preparedness and response are born out of our unjust neoliberal international society. The dominant perspective on global … Read more

“A Political Economy Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Health Workers: Making power and gender visible in the work of providing care”

PHM Health Systems Thematic Circle collaborated with Yale Global Health Justice Partnership to develop a commentary on the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on health workers. The commentary is titled “A Political … Read more

Webinar: 20th July 2021 (Tuesday) 11 AM UTC- “The Struggles of Community Health Workers at the Covid Frontline: Essential but Unrecognised”

For those who may have missed the webinar, the recording of the webinar has been uploaded on PHM Youtube  channel here- To read the report on the webinar, click … Read more

“Health Systems in the context of Covid-19”- Final Case Studies submissions from Countries

In September 2020, the Health Systems Thematic Circle has put out a call (link) to develop case studies on health systems in the context of Covid-19, under the different sub-themes and guidelines. We received very rich contribution … Read more