Infographics and Popular Campaign Material on A2M

  1. PHM co-chairs published an open letter (10 Feb 2021) to the Gavi CSO constituency in response to the GAVI CSO Call to Action for an equitable rollout of Covid-19 vaccine, expressing disappointment with the call to action and making suggestions for its strengthening. Read the letter in English. Lettre in Francais. 10th Feb 2021.
  2. El acceso a la vacuna es un derecho- Access to vaccines is a right- An explainer in Spanish
  3. Q&A posters on the Covid 19 Vaccine that PHM South Africa produced in collaboration with Section27 and the C-19 People’s Coalition. Download poster 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 & 5 .
  4. PHM activists in US supported other civil organisation to come up with this informative video on TRIPS waiver, why is it needed and why does the US government has not supported it yet despite Biden promising it during his campaign.