PHM South Africa writes to UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health for Release of Shatha Odeh

Shatha Odeh, Palestinian health and human rights activist, was illegally arrested two months ago by Israeli Occupying Forces. She is a dedicated health worker and Director of Health Work Committees, … Read more

Challenging Patent Barriers in Accessing New TB Treatments — Webinar Recording

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the foremost causes of death and disability in developing countries. It is a curable disease, and yet it claims about 1.5 million lives each year. Developing … Read more

“Health Systems in the context of Covid-19”- Final Case Studies submissions from Countries

In September 2020, the Health Systems Thematic Circle has put out a call (link) to develop case studies on health systems in the context of Covid-19, under the different sub-themes and guidelines. We received very rich contribution … Read more