People’s Health Hearing-COP26 November: Call for Contributions/ Formulario de Inscripción

The events and processes of the People’s Health Hearing Nov ’21 can be watched on this Youtube Channel- The other videos submitted to People’s Health Hearing Nov ’21 from different … Read more

PHM South Africa writes to UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health for Release of Shatha Odeh

Shatha Odeh, Palestinian health and human rights activist, was illegally arrested two months ago by Israeli Occupying Forces. She is a dedicated health worker and Director of Health Work Committees, … Read more

Why is PHM opposing the UN Food Systems Summit? Hear from our Activists and Friends

PHM, along with hundreds of Civil Society organisations, is opposing the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) 2021. In this video, PHM activists and friends from different regions explain why … Read more

“A Political Economy Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Health Workers: Making power and gender visible in the work of providing care”

PHM Health Systems Thematic Circle collaborated with Yale Global Health Justice Partnership to develop a commentary on the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on health workers. The commentary is titled “A Political … Read more

Recording of Protest Webinar Marking One Month of Shatha Odeh’s Arrest #FreeShathaOdeh

Shatha Odeh was illegally detained by the Isreali Occupying Forces for standing up for health and human rights. Ms Odeh is Director of Health Work Committees, a leading Palestinian health … Read more

#FreeShathaOdeh: Sign-on Letter urging WHO to intervene for Palestinian Activist’s Release

The Israeli Occupying Forces arrested health and human rights activist Shatha Odeh on 7 July 2021. She is a member of the Global Steering Council of the PHM and we … Read more

Round table: 27th July, 11:30 UTC- “The Private Sector’s Great Takeover: How Multistakeholderism threatens food systems, people & states”

PHM, with others, is co-organising the roundtable titled “The Private Sector’s Great Takeover: How multistakeholderism threatens food systems, people & states“.  The roundtable is being organised in the backdrop of … Read more