Reimagining an Healthy, Equitable and Gender Just World

8 March-International Women’s Day 2021
Reimagining an Healthy, Equitable and Gender Just World

A call from Gender Justice Health Circle of the People’s Health Movement (PHM) and Sama Resource Group For Gender & Health )
Confronting ALL forms of discrimination, on the basis of class, race, gender, religion, ethnicity, disability, region, sexual orientation and other axes of marginalisation has always been central to our shared struggles for health across the world. The current scenario of Covid 19/pandemic has re-confirmed our longstanding political analysis of health and access to healthcare by laying bare the fragilities of profit centred and hetero-patriarchal health systems. Such systems have not only ignored the existing inequities that determine the health and well-being of the people, particularly the marginalised, but have also reproduced and reinforced them as was also witnessed and experienced during Covid19.  The struggles of women frontline workers and their increased vulnerability, the crisis of gender based violence experienced by many women and LGBTQI persons, the issues of mental health and wellbeing, the systemic violence in the denial and delay of essential healthcare including sexual and reproductive health services are testimonial to the inequities globally.
However, even in these challenging times, global solidarities and sustained struggles for human rights, health rights including sexual and reproductive health rights have persisted and resisted the attack and subversion of these rights. The legalization of abortion in Argentina is an inspiring and significant
illustration of the long struggle and victory of feminists and health activists in Latin America.
This International Women’s Day (IWD) 8 March 2021, marks another opportunity to reimagine a healthy, equitable and gender just world. Our collective voices emerging from this platform are as critical today as ever before.
We, PHM and Sama  are sharing this Call with you to bring out messages to amplify these demands on the coming IWD. Click Here for poster of the call.
Suggested format;
       Sharing of messages-text/slogans/small video/pictures with placards, etc. that can be put
out on social media
       Blog piece of 300 words on any concerning issue that you have looked into as part of your
       DEMANDS that you would like to put out in your country/region in this regard
There is no thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives. – Audre Lorde.

sarojini (at)
sama.womenshealth (at)
deepika (at)