(EN/ES) Statement on Reproductive Rights in the United States / Declaración sobre los derechos reproductivos en Estados Unidos

PHM strongly believes that universal access to safe, quality, legal abortion is a basic human right. We extend our solidarity and support to activists in the US working to prevent … Read more

PHM Statement on attacks on health staff in Sri Lanka / موقع الكتروني / Declaración del MSP sobre los ataques al personal sanitario en Sri Lanka

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) condemns the attacks on temporary medical facilities and health staff on 9th May 2022 in front of former Prime Minister Rajapaksa’s official residence and the … Read more

#FreeShathaOdeh: Demand of Health Workers and Activists from Across the World

Shatha Odeh, PHM’s Steering Council member and Director of Health Work Committees (HWC) in Palestine, was arrested by the Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) on 7 July, 2021. On International Human … Read more