PHM Nepal: GHW volume 5 launching and National Assembly

People’s Health Movement Nepal in association with Resource Center for Primary Health Care (RECPHEC) organized launching of “Global Health Watch: An Alternative World Health Report”, Volume 5 and National Assembly of People’s Health Movement Nepal on 20th September 2018 at Kathmandu Nepal. About 70 participants from academia, civil society organizations, activists, media, grassroots health workers, locally elected representatives and young student activists attended the program.


Launching of Global health Watch 5

Dr. Sharad Raj Onta described the historical background and explained objectives of Global Health Watch and presented the themes and issues covered by its previous volumes. Then Global health Watch 5 was collectively launched.

After officially launching of GHW 5, Dr. Onta read the message of Professor Dr. Mathura, Prasad Shrestha, founding Coordinator of PHM Nepal, who was unable to participate due to his health condition. Then, Dr. Arjun Karki, Mr. Gauri Pradhan, Dr. Sarba Raj Khadka and Mr. Shanta Lal Mulmi expressed their remarks on the publication of Global Health Watch volume 5. Relevance, role and strengths of the publication and responsibility of all sectors to disseminate the publication in different forums and through different media were emphasized by the speakers.

After the book launching, Ms. Simrin Kafle shared the updates about Nepal’s preparation for 4PHA including logistics.


National Assembly of People’s Health Movement Nepal

Mr. Shanta Lal Mulmi highlighted on the objectives of the National Assembly and its modality of the process. Dr. Onta presenting briefly about People’s Health Movement and People’s Health Assemblies of the past, described in detail about objective, expected outcomes, thematic axes and structure of the Fourth People’s Health Assembly.

Participants enthusiastically shared their views on the themes of PHA 4 and explored several agendas to be shared in the forums of PHA 4. These agendas are:

Reform of health finance policy

Federalization of health system

Market in health

Situation of health rights in the Region

Indigenous health care system

Production of socially responsible human resources for health

Revisiting role of civil society organization

Role of international agencies in health


Mr. Shanta Lal Mulmi, Executive Director of RECPHEC, concluded the session with the way forward.