News from PHM Latin America

31 Aug 2017


Mother Earth: One Health

 A learning scenario of unity, utopias, realities and dreams.

Moments of The Global Encounter in Rosario Argentina, june 2017

ReAct Latin America, the Institute of Socio-Environmental Health of the National University of Rosario, Argentina, the People Health Movement – Latin America, and dozens of social organizations and academic institutions in Latin America,  turned Mother Earth: One Health meeting, into a scenario of learning, unity, utopias, realities and dreams.

We share the moments lived in Rosario, while we say to all, thank you from the heart.

Click  on link to view moments lived: video

Arturo Quizhpe P. (ReAct Latin America)

Damián Verzeñassi (Institute of Socio-Environmental Health, National University of Rosario, Argentina)

Marcela Bobato (People Health Movement Latin America)