Let’s mobilise for the 4th People’s Health Assembly!

PHA4 is taking place 15-19 November 2018 – hosted by PHM Bangladesh in Savar, Bangladesh.

The objectives of the Assembly and associated activities include:

  • To evaluate and critically analyze current processes and policies that impact on health and healthcare at global, regional and local levels;
  • To undertake a collective assessment of PHM’s organizational and programmatic activities and to provide a renewed mandate for the years to come;
  • To enhance the capacity of health civil society activists to engage with and intervene in the policy making process, to monitor and drive policy implementation and to ensure accountability in the functioning of health systems;
  • To foster and support constructive dialogue, planning and mobilization around health and the broader social determinants of health, involving the widest possible range of practitioners; and
  • To launch renewed sustainable structures and dynamics, both within and outside the health sector, that will continue to drive coordinated action to secure universal and equitable access to health and health care.

Click here for thematic axes and other information

Press statement in English – French – Spanish  and Portuguese