Gender Justice and Health

Welcome to Gender Justice and Health thematic circle!                                                                                     RESOURCES AND ARTICLES

The vision of this  thematic circle is to create accountable and equitable health policies and health systems in the context of intersectional justice, and to enhance access to quality public healthcare, including sexual and reproductive healthcare that is premised on intersectional justice.

The short-term goals focus on integrating a gender and intersectional justice lens into PHM’s broader work, and capacity building among activists. The short-term goals of the thematic group are-

  • Greater diversity and momentum of the Gender Justice and Health Circle for cross movement conversations and movement building.
  • Enhanced communication, sustained participation in the circle initiatives to build synergy on advocacy and solidarity efforts.
  • Consolidation and regular capacity building and advocacy action initiatives to strengthen perspectives especially of young activists, researchers, advocates, etc.

If you wish to volunteer for this thematic group, contribute in anyway or have any questions, please contact sarojini[at]phmovement[dot]org.


En cette journée de la femme, MPS appelle à la #GenderJusticeNow ! #Plus de retards Plus d’excuses Également disponible en espagnol et en anglais Le genre est un aspect intersectionnel … Read more

En este Día de la Mujer, el MSP pide #JusticiaDeGénero¡Ya! #NoMásRetrasos #NoMásExcusas También disponible en inglés y francés   El género es un aspecto interseccional y transversal de nuestra salud … Read more

On this Women’s Day, PHM calls for #GenderJusticeNow! #NoMoreDelays #NoMoreExcuses Disponible en español Disponible en français Gender is an intersectional and cross-cutting aspect of our health and lives and it … Read more

The third episode of the GHW6 podcast series features Sarojini Nadimpally, coordinator for Health for All Campaign of the People’s Health Movement and a founder of SAMA Resource Group for … Read more

Background For the last six decades, Colombia has been under internal armed conflict resulting in more than 9 million victims, with violence across 95% of municipalities(1). More than five guerrillas, … Read more

Thousands of people around the world joined protests in support of safe abortion on September 28. In some countries, for example in Colombia, the mobilization took place after the women’s … Read more

September 28 is observed every year as International Safe Abortion Day. This year, in 2022, PHM, along with SAMA and Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), organised a social … Read more

English As ardent supporters of reproductive justice, we extend our unconditional solidarity with the ongoing struggles across the globe for demanding comprehensive abortion rights and access to safe abortion. PHM, … Read more

The International People’s Health University (IPHU) of the PHM is organising a short training course “The Struggle for Health” for young health activists. The course is being organised jointly with … Read more

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) strongly condemns the US Supreme Court’s recent overturning of the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling guaranteeing the constitutional right to abortion. As ardent supporters of … Read more

PHM strongly believes that universal access to safe, quality, legal abortion is a basic human right. We extend our solidarity and support to activists in the US working to prevent … Read more

ENGLISH Dear Friends, Colleagues and Comrades! Greetings from Gender Justice and Health Thematic Group! Most of you will be celebrating the International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8 March in your … Read more

Pandemics and Access to Healthcare Technologies: From an Intersectional, Gender and Equity Lens A Call for Action Initiative by Gender, Justice  and Health Thematic Group of PHM & Sama Resource … Read more

The Gender, Justice and Health Thematic Group of PHM, Sama Resource Group for Women and Health, and Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) are jointly organising an Online Short … Read more

International People’s Health University Online Short Course  on Gender, Justice & Health 29 October– 20 November 2021  (29 & 30 October | 6 November | 12 & 13 November | … Read more

Statement by Gender, Justice and Health Thematic Group of People’s Health Movement (PHM) on 28 September, International Safe Abortion Day Right to safe abortion must be advanced and recognized universally across all … Read more

For the following letter to WHO D-G, we request endorsements from civil society organizations, health practitioners, academics, women’s rights organizations, and other concerned individuals Click here for Arabic (عربى) French (français) Spanish (español) To, Dr. … Read more

The summary of key activities undertaken by the PHM Gender Justice and Health Thematic activity report for February ’20- February ’21 can be read here.  

The recording of the webinar has been updated here- ___________ Sama Resource Group for Women & Health with Gender, Justice & Health Thematic Group of People’s Health Movement (PHM) … Read more

The recording of the webinar has been updated here- _____ Please join Sama Resource Group for Women & Health along with the Gender, Justice & Health Thematic Group of … Read more

8 March-International Women’s Day 2021 Reimagining an Healthy, Equitable and Gender Just World A call from Gender Justice Health Circle of the People’s Health Movement (PHM) and Sama Resource Group … Read more

PHM Gender Justice and Health thematic group and Sama are undertaking a one-day campaign on 10th December, the last day of the ’16 days campaign on Gender Based Violence’. Please send your … Read more

(Statement in French, Hindi and Spanish is linked below) On the occasion of International Safe Abortion Day on 28th September around the corner, we think that it is an important opportunity and space for … Read more

A Brief Summary on the Activities of Gender, Justice and Health Thematic Circle (Feb 2019-Jan 2020) Full Report

Sama Resource Group for Women and Health and People’s Health Movement (PHM) invite you for a Webinar    ‘NOT IN LOCKDOWN: VOICES AND STRUGGLES AGAINST GENDER, RACIAL AND SOCIAL INJUSTICES’ … Read more

As the 16 days of activism campaign comes to a close, GBV is still on the rise within our regions. We urge the country circles to continue with this campaign … Read more

Sexual and reproductive rights have suffered an onslaught of attacks and are threatened around the world, including in the United States. In the U.S., we see access to sexual and … Read more

Advancing Support for Women to Combine their Productive and Reproductive Roles Including Breastfeeding in the Informal Economy   The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) and People’s Health Movement (PHM) call for the safety … Read more

We are pleased to release the final Declaration of the Fourth People’s Health Assembly (PHA4). The Declaration, which is dedicated to our dear friend and comrade Amit Sengupta, is based … Read more


Statement on access to safe, quality and legal abortion Peoples Health Movement (PHM) Following on the fourth People’s Health Assembly (PHA) of the global People’s Health Movement (PHM) concluded in … Read more

We, the People’s Health Movement (PHM), are deeply distressed and concerned about the complaints of sexual harassment from a few women colleagues attending the fourth People’s Health Assembly in Savar, … Read more

In November this year, the PHM is organising the fourth Peoples Health Assembly (PHA4) As you may know, in November this year Peoples Health Movement (PHM) will be hosting the Fourth People’s Health Assembly (PHA 4) in Bangladesh. … Read more

Argentina’s current abortion law puts women’s health and lives in danger and denies us our essential reproductive rights, allowing legal abortion only in cases of rape or risk to a … Read more