Equitable Health Systems

PHM Thematic group on Equitable Health Systems                                                                                                   RESOURCES AND ARTICLES

The Health Systems Thematic Area is one of PHM’s strongest, with broad participation across countries and regions. This thematic circle has a wide-ranging focus, and its work in these broad areas has been divided into six sub-themes: privatisation, resistance to privatisation, corporate watch, innovative attempts in PHC, Health Workers Day, and health rights. Details on subthemes here.


PHM’s vision for Health Systems is that governments accept their responsibility and keep their commitment to finance and organise health systems that deliver, equitable, good quality health services with decent work, and act on SDoH and ensuring community participation, based on primary health care as defined in the Alma Ata Declaration. The short-term goals range from strengthening activism in country circles, to the impact of activism, to resources and legal victories.

Short-term goals for Advancing Equitable Health Systems

  • A team of activists and champions for primary healthcare approach and equitable healthcare systems exists in most of our active country circles.
  • Privatization efforts have failed in many instances due to public pressure related to PHMs activism.
  • PHM has an accessible public repository of documents on these issues.
  • Legal victories in more progressive/pro-poor laws and regulations to support comprehensive primary health care and health equity.

For any questions about the thematic circle, please get in touch with <sulakshana[at]phmovement[dot]org>


PHM is organising an online session on Universal Health Coverage during the Be-cause health conference Breaking taboos in Global Health.  UHC has come to be taken as the main health strategy for our times. The … Read more

Jan Swasthya Abhiyan, the Indian unit of People’s Health Movement released a statement in response to the Union Budget 2023-24 analyzing in particular the health component. Please find the statement … Read more

The International Peoples Health University Short Course on Health Systems was held online from November 21st to December 1st 2022 and on-site from 6th to 11th December, 2022  at Bangkok, … Read more

En la Ranchería La Paz, Municipio de Maicao, Departamento de La Guajira, Colombia, entre el 16 y el 18 de diciembre de 2022, tuvo lugar el Encuentro por el buen … Read more

Global Secretariat Member at PHM Global and PHM India Associate, Deepika Joshi talks about the discussion and workshops taking place at the Our Future is Public Conference in Santiago, Chile. … Read more

Declaración / Declaração / Statement   Salvador, Bahía, Brasil, 24 de noviembre, 2022 El Movimiento por la Salud de los Pueblos en Latinoamérica (MSPLA) en el marco del 13° Congreso … Read more

Con una participación que supera las 6 mil personas avanza el XIII Congreso Brasileño de Salud Colectiva:  “Salud es Democracia: Diversidad, Equidad y Justicia Social”, organizado por la Asociación Brasileña … Read more

Os delegados da Movimento pela Saúde dos Povos (MSP) LATAM da Venezuela, Argentina, Paraguai, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Perú, El Salvador, Brasil, Chile e Costa Rica, liderados por Román Vega, … Read more

El 2 de noviembre de 2022, en el auditorio Margarita González del Edificio de posgrados de la facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia se realizó el … Read more

Román Vega, Coordinador Global del Movimento por La Salud de los Pueblos MSP (People’s Health Movement -PHM- en inglés) estuvo en el Caribe colombiano en seguimiento de la agenda por … Read more

English The Health Systems Thematic Circle of People’s Health Movement (PHM) and Global Health Governance Team of PHM is organising a webinar on “WHA 75 resolutions on Communicable Disease- a Review”. This … Read more

Se lo preguntamos a Román Vega, Coordinador Global del Movimiento para la Salud de los Pueblos (MSP), durante su reciente visita a la Argentina para participar en el Décimo congreso … Read more

PHM is happy to announce that the Equitable Health Systems Thematic Circle of People’s Health Movement (PHM), along with PHM South Asia and PHM South East Asia Pacific Regions, is … Read more

PHM is holding a webinar on Non Communicable Diseases on 30th Sept, 1 PM UTC/ 6:30 PM India time.  The webinar titled “PHM Reflections on Policy Developments on NCD control in … Read more

PHM Health Systems Thematic Circle organised a webinar on “Commercialisation and privatization of healthcare: Key challenges for Right to health defenders” on 30 August, 2022; 10 pm Seoul/ 6.30 pm Delhi/4 … Read more

La lucha por la salud

El Movimiento por la Salud de los Pueblos -MSP- lanza la edición en español de su libro “La lucha por la salud: un enfoque emancipador en la era de la … Read more

For those who missed this webinar on 16th July ’22, below you may find the recording/video of the webinar (in English)  livestreamed on PHM channel ENGLISH The Health Systems Thematic … Read more

This Correspondence titled “Flawed prescription for PHC financing” was submitted to The Lancet Global Health on 21 April 2022 in response to the article titled “The Lancet Global Health Commission … Read more

For those who may have missed the event, can watch the recording of the webinar here. An online event on “Care Extractivism”, examining the global crisis of care and poor … Read more

Access to health services is a key determinant of health and necessary to realize the right to health for all. However, across Europe governments increasingly fail to ensure that everyone … Read more

PHM Health Systems Thematic Circle collaborated with Yale Global Health Justice Partnership to develop a commentary on the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on health workers. The commentary is titled “A Political … Read more

For those who may have missed the webinar, the recording of the webinar has been uploaded on PHM Youtube  channel here- https://youtu.be/K6CHtDXF3og To read the report on the webinar, click … Read more

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the foremost causes of death and disability in developing countries. It is a curable disease, and yet it claims about 1.5 million lives each year. Developing … Read more

In September 2020, the Health Systems Thematic Circle has put out a call (link) to develop case studies on health systems in the context of Covid-19, under the different sub-themes and guidelines. We received very rich contribution … Read more

Eight organisations, including PHM, sent an open letter to Ms Zsuzsanna Jakab, Deputy Director-General of the World Health Organisation raising concerns about a recent WHO report that could encourage privatisation … Read more

PHM-Kenya with support from Open Society Initiative East Africa (OSIEA) conducted a perception study that was conducted by Info track, to do a survey in the four pilot counties focusing … Read more

PHM has been an active participant of the Antibiotic Resistance Coalition (ARC) in Anti Microbial Resistance (AMR) Watch. We have compiled a series of the most important interventions that PHM … Read more

From examples around the world, PHM-North America has been learning how to build successful campaigns against the privatization of health services and infrastructure. We invite you to a virtual learning … Read more

This is a photo-essay by Sarojini N, Advisory Council member of PHM on the unplanned lockdowns in response to Covid19 pandemic in India and the effect it has had on … Read more

On April 23rd 2020, Chiara Bodini (CB) interviewed Alexis Benos (AB) and Elias Kondilis (EK). They are both public health physicians and professors at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where … Read more

Wim De Ceukelaire and Chiara Bodini (PHM) write …strong public health systems have the resilience to address massive health threats with the collective responses they require. Privatization of health services … Read more

For the fifth year in a row, People’s Health Movement Europe and European Network Against Commercialization of Health and Social Protection are calling for a day of action on April … Read more

Building Health through Community Health Workers and Communities: Challenges and Solutions (May 2019)   As part of our efforts to achieve Health for All through promoting health care accessibility in … Read more

We are pleased to release the final Declaration of the Fourth People’s Health Assembly (PHA4). The Declaration, which is dedicated to our dear friend and comrade Amit Sengupta, is based … Read more

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) supports the Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) statement[1] highlighting the need for an urgent political intervention to resolve the crippled health situation in Zimbabwe, which … Read more

As the General Elections-2019 in India are fast approaching, PHM India (Jan Swasthya Abhiyan) activists are pushing the political structures to address the issues plaguing people’s health by releasing a … Read more

WHO watchers read out statement at EB144 – see video links below. For more information and all PHM statements and positions developed during WHO watch over the past years organised … Read more

We, members of independent Civil Society in Africa including members of the People’s Health Movement (PHM)[i], are committed to Comprehensive Primary Health Care and addressing the Social, Environmental and Economic Determinants … Read more

Alternative Civil Society Astana Statement on Primary Health Care We, members of public interest civil society organisations and social movements, some of whom are participants at the Global Conference on … Read more

Region: South Est Asia Language: English Year: 2011 Source: Discussion paper Author(s): David Legge Summary: Overview of three Indigenous health services in Australia, where community-led services have had success in … Read more

Region: Africa Year: 2016 Source: material collected as part of the PHM global action-research project “The contribution of civil society organisations in achieving health for all” Author(s): PHM South Africa … Read more

Region: North America Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Ben Palmquist, Campaign Manager, National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI) Summary: The “Healthcare Is a Human Right” … Read more

Region: Central America Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Draft chapter for Global Health Watch 5 Author(s): Susana Barria Summary: Between 1999 and 2003, trade unions in the Salvadoran Institute of … Read more

Our consultation on the 2nddraft of the Astana Declaration with our global network of PHC practitioners and activists has been limited, due to the short time frames set by WHO … Read more