Building a Movement for Health

Plantas saludables y salud comunitaria en escuela para adultos n. 10 (ARGENTINA)

Region: Latin America

Language: Spanish

Year: 2016

Source: Contribution for manual

Author(s): Sandra Marin (PHM Argentina)

Summary: Classes on “plants for health” and community health in a public school for adults, since 15 years. Involvement of school staff, health centre/professionals, social workers/health promoters, and the community. Supported by the administrators. Combination of academic and popular knowledge (book; community radio). Idea that health must be in the control of people/the community, starting from the local environment and the household. This experience is part of the Red Jarilla (see n. 2 above).

For more information on this experience, please write to Sandra Marin at

Key practices: relationships, values; participation, community action; networking; mutual learning, knowledge generation

Read the full report here (in Spanish)