Recording of Protest Webinar Marking One Month of Shatha Odeh’s Arrest #FreeShathaOdeh

Shatha Odeh was illegally detained by the Isreali Occupying Forces for standing up for health and human rights. Ms Odeh is Director of Health Work Committees, a leading Palestinian health … Read more

#FreeShathaOdeh: Sign-on Letter urging WHO to intervene for Palestinian Activist’s Release

The Israeli Occupying Forces arrested health and human rights activist Shatha Odeh on 7 July 2021. She is a member of the Global Steering Council of the PHM and we … Read more

US support to TRIPS Waiver of Covid-19 vaccines is welcome, but far from sufficient

The United States government recently declared that it will support TRIPS Waiver for vaccines at the World Trade Organisation. In October 2020, India and South Africa made a proposal before … Read more


Page building under process “Struggle Against Outsourcing of Diagnostic Services in Government Facilities: Strategies and Lessons From a Campaign Led by Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (People’s Health Movement) in Chhattisgarh, India”. … Read more