Building a Movement for Health

Participatory action research in a public transport company (BELGIUM)

Region: Europe

Language: English

Year: 2016

Source: Contribution for manual

Author(s): Egmont Ruelens

Summary: Participatory action research by doctors of a MPLP (Doctors for the people) clinic in Belgium on the working conditions of bus drivers. This arose from the working related health problems diagnosed at the clinic and a few focus groups organised to discuss them. The trade unions were later involved in disseminating a broader survey to the drivers. However, following repression by the company managers and a change in government with serious threats of losing jobs, the unions changed attitude and even though the workers still supported the project, no action was undertaken to advocate the right to health on the workplace. One of the doctors-researchers then decided to become a bus driver to continue following the issue.

For more information on this experience, please write to Egmont Ruelens at

Key practices: participatory action research

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