South Asia Regional Meeting on Nutrition and Food Sovereignty

People’s Health Movement Nutrition and Food Sovereignty thematic group, with the initiative of  members from South Asia region, organised a  South Asia regional meeting on 23 August 2022. In the thematic group discussions, the need for regional meetings was strongly felt as many of the global south and region specific perspectives get missed in the global discourse in the area of food and nutrition (for ex-technical/corporate solutions being forced upon global south like food fortification, meat consumption etc). This was also feltduring our opposition to the UN Food Systems Summit last year.

We had a very rich discussion where participants from seven countries in the region (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka & Pakistan) joined in the sharing and where many cross country commonalities and comparisons came out quite clearly as also many suggestions for follow up actions. For some of us in the PHM it was the first time that so many countries in the region came together in a room. Please read the discussion points here.