PHM Europe Campaign on World Health Day

World Health Day provides us an opportunity to look at health in its widest form and highlight the most pressing issues of our times. PHM Europe put together a social media campaign to bring everyone’s focus on what ails people’s health in Europe. This page contains all the posters used in the campaign.

Health not for sale

A shortage of 2 milloin health workers expected for 2030

The most precarious jobs in health care are feminised

Life expentancy decreases 9 years in some poorer neighbourhoods in Europe

Women perform 76% of unpaid care work

Billions of public Health Budgets end up in private hands to provide poorer health services

Energy poverty causes thousands of deaths en every European country every year

World Health Organization recommends 25% of public health Budget to be invested in primary Health Care

European institutions were pushed for public health budgets between 2009 and 2019


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