Mini-IPHU of PHM Benin on the HR-based approach to Reproductive Health Programming

The People’s Health Movement Benin launched on Saturday, July 28, 2018 in Cotonou a mini-IPHU on adapting the human rights-based approach to the reproductive health of young people and women including STIs and HIV / AIDS. This workshop aiming at learning and building activists’ capacity, is the first in a series (for Benin and West and Central Africa) and is calling for full integration into policies of the human rights-based approach to programming by the government.

Public institutions, populations, civil society organizations and donors need to integrate these approaches into their programs and interventions at all levels (central, intermediate, local). The objective is to bring all actors to change the current intervention that does not necessarily focus on participatory processes and, as a result, are not inclusive.

Topics include Global health governance, Trade and Health, The WHO AFRO, SDoH, Health systems, SDG 3 & 10

One of the modules of the mini-IPHU was on items 18.4 and 18.7 of the agenda of the 68th session of the Regional Committee of WHO AFRO planned for 27-31 August 2018 in Dakar, Senegal.

Participants to the IPHU split into groups. The two items: 18.4 Status of implementation of the recommendations of the report on Addressing the Challenges of Women’s Health in Africa (Document AFR/RC68/INF.DOC/4) and 18.7 Progress report on implementing the Global Health Sector Strategy on HIV/AIDS 2016–2021 (Document AFR/RC68/INF.DOC/7) were read and analyzed during the workshop.

Concrete recommendations are to be sent to WHO Benin, Ministry of Health and the media.

Follow up continues via whatsapp.

For pictures see