War and Conflict, Occupation and Forced Migration and Health

Welcome to the PHM thematic circle on War and Conflict, Occupation, Forced Migration!                     RESOURCES AND ARTICLES

PHM believes that the thematic circle on War and Conflict, Occupation, Forced Migration & is a priority, not only as a determinant of health and the vulnerability of those affected, but also due to the level of conflict and displacement occurring around the world, with one in seven people in the world living in fragile or conflict-affected countries (Curtis, 2019), and almost 80 million people forcibly displaced (UN News, 2020).

The vision for the War and Migration and Health Thematic Area is that migrants’ and refugees’ health rights are upheld.

The short term goals focus on strengthening PHM’s work in the space to serve as an effective global voice on the issues. The short-term goals for War and Migration and Health are-

  • PHM is recognized as an important voice for healthcare rights of victims of war, refugees, stateless persons and migrant labour.
  • PHM is seen as an important support to organisations working with these sections.
  • PHM creates pressure for decreased militarization of public health
  • PHM highlights and advocates against breaches of civil liberties and the abuses of autocratic /authoritarian governments.

If you wish to volunteer for this thematic group, contribute in anyway or have any questions, please contact <mhamlin[at]phmovement[dot]org> who is currently supporting the coordination of the group. You may also write to deepika[at]phmovement[dot]org.



ENGLISH Those who missed the webinar can find the recording below- https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/hdQ_T4rWAnJZa0Hy88JJ2WvkuDRUcI1xToIlKg9RyaT-ulZoZ3bGwnUbVz2ePGj5.AWa5lUlyC4GJ–tV Passcode: fzG55K*t Also click here for the presentation/PPT for-  i. Philippines case ii. Colombia case. ______ The People’s … Read more

The fourth episode of the GHW6 podcast series features Roman Gnagi and Catia Confortini, members of Medact, a UK-based organization affiliated with PHM and co-producer of the Global Health Watch … Read more

People’s Health Movement (PHM) cordially invites you for the webinar “Healthcare in war-torn Tigray: targeted or collaterally attacked?”, organized by the PHM Tigray circle and the thematic PHM War and Conflict, … Read more

Health workers in Tigray are working in a collapsed health system. Tigray Regional health Bureau (TRHB) revealed that 78% of health posts, 72% of health centres, and 80% of hospitals … Read more

As a result of discussions and requests in the PHM thematic circle on War and Conflict, the circle decided to commision an educational resource (a report and a PPT) that … Read more

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) condemns the attacks on temporary medical facilities and health staff on 9th May 2022 in front of former Prime Minister Rajapaksa’s official residence and the … Read more

Since the war in Ukraine began at the end of February, we are once again witnessing the harm and strife caused by armed conflicts. We unequivocally condemn the Russian aggression … Read more

Shatha Odeh, PHM’s Steering Council member and Director of Health Work Committees (HWC) in Palestine, was arrested by the Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) on 7 July, 2021. On International Human … Read more

The People’s Health Movement abides by its charter, which demands the end of the Israeli occupation as it is perceived as one of the must destructive tools against human dignity. … Read more

Israeli Occupying Forces illegally arrested health and human rights activist Shatha Odeh on 7 July 2021. She is a member of the Global Steering Council of the PHM and director … Read more

Shatha Odeh was illegally detained by the Isreali Occupying Forces for standing up for health and human rights. Ms Odeh is Director of Health Work Committees, a leading Palestinian health … Read more

PHM strongly condemns the attacks against Palestinian people by Israeli occupying forces and expresses full and unequivocal solidarity with the Palestinian people. The recent attempts of Israeli occupying forces to … Read more

The Health Work Committees Office (HWC) in Palestine was attacked by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on 8th March 2021. HWC serves as the regional coordinating organization of the PHM … Read more

PHM East and Southern Africa call to action on the war against the People of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia It is now almost four months since the fighting between Tigray regional … Read more

PHM Thematic group on “War, Conflict, Occupation and Forced Migration” roganised a webinar on “Resisting Militarisation of Covid Response”.  The recording of the webinar can be viewed here below. The … Read more

In the current climate of widespread political, environmental, and economic turmoil, the People’s Health Movement-USA (PHM-USA) and Health Alliance International (HAI) stands in solidarity with the thousands of migrants escaping … Read more

FRANCAIS – ESPANOL – ITALIANO People’s Health Movement Europe and European Network Against Commercialisation of Health and Social Protection strongly condemn the ongoing erosion of refugees’ and migrants’ rights in … Read more