Condemn Israeli action against Palestinian people:

The People’s Health Movement condemns in the strongest terms recent Israeli violent actions against Palestinian people in the Gaza strip and in the West Bank, in particular the unrestrained use of force, including lethal means, against peaceful protesters, journalists and medical personnel. We pay tribute to the health workers and medical personnel, many of whom who are members of our movement, who are taking part in mass actions and are providing first aid.

The massacre on Monday May 14, which has killed more than 60 is particularly worrisome. We are saddened  that once again medical professionals and volunteers were hit. On the other ha nd, the courageous support of some of our member organisations is a source of pride for our global movement. (See the report from PMRS and videos from organisations working on the ground: video1, video 2, video 3 and another report here)

In light of these extremely distressing events, we demand immediate measures from international actors to pressure Israel to cease targeting civilians and abide by its international obligations. We urge the international community to hold Israel accountable for these crimes. We resolve to strengthen our solidarity with our member organisations in Palestine and with the Palestinian people because their people’s liberation will depend on their continuing struggle to end the occupation.

On behalf of the PHM Steering Council