Civil society assessment of the political declaration of the UN-HLM on UHC

UHC dominates the discourse on global health policy today. It can be interpreted in multiple ways, but its dominant discourse seems to be favouring market based neoliberal reforms. We are concerned that the HLM may end up reinforcing the same. Therefore People’s Health Movement, Partners In Health and Medicus Mundi International urge those discussing UHC at the UN HLM to engage with the concerns expressed in this assessment by civil society.

CLICK HERE for the Civil Society Assessment of The Political Declaration of the United National High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage being held on 23 September at New York.

If you or your organisation would like to support this civil society assessment, you can ENDORSE HERE by filling in the google sheet

[We refer to the final draft available of the Political Declaration of the High-Level Meeting published by the President of the UNGA dated 13th September: see]

The civil society assessment has been endorsed by-  CLICK HERE ( 23 September)