A loss to the Health Rights Movement – Adieu Comrade Margarita Posada

Margarita Posada
Salvadorean militant and comrade in the struggle
1962 – 2020

Central America, Latin America, and the entire world has lost one of our strongest, most militant women working for the right to health, the right to land and water, and to a healthy planet.

At the time of her death, Margarita was the coordinator of the National Health Forum, a Civil Society network of leaders throughout El Salvador, working to defend the right to health of all people. She, along with Salvadorean community leaders have fought against the privatization of health and health care for decades.

Margarita was the Central American representative in the politics of health network, the International Peoples Health Council – IPHC, that was one of the 8 organizations that organized the first Peoples Health Assembly. Margarita participated in the first IPHU in Cuenca in 2005 and continued as a member of the faculty of other IPHUs, including the series of eight courses in El Salvador. She was involved in PHM activities in Latin America,
Europe, India, Egypt, and in Palestine. She was a representative of the Mesoamerican network, the Regional Committee for the Promotion of Community Health, in the PHM coordination for Latin America.

Margarita always radiatedwith enthusiasm, her wonderful sense of humor and with her clear vision of the struggle for health and the necessity of international solidarity in our work. Our condolences to her family, her comrades, the National Health Forum and the community with whom she served.

We miss her terribly, but her spirit lives on in our lives and in our own militancy.
Margarita, always present, always guiding us.