Global Health Watch

Why is PHM opposing the UN Food Systems Summit? Hear from our Activists and Friends

PHM, along with hundreds of Civil Society organisations, is opposing the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) 2021. In this video, PHM activists and friends from different regions explain why … Read more

Round table: 27th July, 11:30 UTC- “The Private Sector’s Great Takeover: How Multistakeholderism threatens food systems, people & states”

PHM, with others, is co-organising the roundtable titled “The Private Sector’s Great Takeover: How multistakeholderism threatens food systems, people & states“.  The roundtable is being organised in the backdrop of … Read more

Corporate Capture of UN Food Systems Summit ’21- PHM Calls for member countries to join CSOs Mobilisation

Civil Society Organizations’ concerns around UN Food Systems Summit 2021 and call for PHM countries/regions to engage in the boycotting of the official “pre-summit” in July Date: 22 June ‘2021 … Read more


Page building under progress 1. The Food and Nutrition thematic group of PHM developed a call to action on nutrition, food security and food sovereignity after the People’s Health Assembly … Read more