Nutrition and Food Sovereignty

Welcome to PHM thematic circle on Nutrition and Food Sovereignty!                                                                           RESOURCES AND ARTICLES

Nutrition and Food Sovereignty has historically been a very strong area for PHM, but with the loss of some activists in the space, PHM is working to re-energize the work.

The vision is the creation of an equitable and fair food system based on the inalienable people’s right to food and adequate nutrition; politicization of food and nutrition issues, i.e., increasing the political as opposed to technical communications drive on these issues; broad awareness and activism about the negative links between food and financial systems including about the undue corporate influence and flaws of current PPP and multi-stakeholder solutions; and successful resistance to the technical and individualized vision of nutrition by correcting misinformation fed to the public on how to make the food system more equitable.

Short-term goals for Nutrition and Food Sovereignty
•Increased capacities of PHM cadres in food and nutrition work, including active use of mass media and social media to engage beyond PHM.
•PHM activities linked and joint actions developed with other organisations active in the food and nutrition area.
•PHM contributes to convergence and strengthening of broader struggles and provides inputs in its areas of expertise.
•Increased understanding of the political economy of food and nutrition among activists broadly.

If you wish to volunteer for this thematic group, contribute in anyway or have any questions, please contact cschuftan[at]phmovement[dot]org or marcos.e.filardi[at]gmail[dot]com or faridaakhter.ubinig[at]gmail[dot]com.


On our fifth episode of the GHW6 podcast series features Charlotte Dreger from FIAN International, a global human rights organization that advocates for the right to adequate food and nutrition, … Read more

Sri Lanka crisis and the impact on Agroecology debates – Lessons to be learnt After the economic crisis in Sri Lanka this year and the preceding ban on chemical fertilisers, … Read more

People’s Health Movement Nutrition and Food Sovereignty thematic group, with the initiative of  members from South Asia region, organised a  South Asia regional meeting on 23 August 2022. In the thematic … Read more

PHM, along with hundreds of Civil Society organisations, is opposing the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) 2021. In this video, PHM activists and friends from different regions explain why … Read more

PHM, with others, is co-organising the roundtable titled “The Private Sector’s Great Takeover: How multistakeholderism threatens food systems, people & states“.  The roundtable is being organised in the backdrop of … Read more

Civil Society Organizations’ concerns around UN Food Systems Summit 2021 and call for PHM countries/regions to engage in the boycotting of the official “pre-summit” in July Date: 22 June ‘2021 … Read more

Pour lire cet appel en français, cliquez ici. To read the Call in French click here.  In the Fourth People’s Health Assembly held in Dhaka (2018), PHM set out its … Read more

We are pleased to release the final Declaration of the Fourth People’s Health Assembly (PHA4). The Declaration, which is dedicated to our dear friend and comrade Amit Sengupta, is based … Read more

PHM, along with around 45 other organisations, has issued an open letter against weaponisation of food aid in Venezuela and strongly condemns the undermining of food sovereignty in Venezuela. For … Read more

PHM India (Jan Swasthya Abhiyan) and Right to Food Campaign express solidarity with tribal communities and other forest dwellers in their fight under the Forest Rights Act. As health and … Read more

Region: North America Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): OCAP Summary: As the crisis of food poverty and hunger intensified, in 2004, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) came … Read more