Environment and Ecosystem Health

Welcome to the PHM thematic circle on Environment and Ecosystem Health!                                               RESOURCES AND ARTICLES

PHM has worked on environment and ecosystem health for a number of years. Activism on extractivism has the most momentum, and is especially strong in the Latin and North American regions, though activists in other regions are also involved in extractivism issues and the thematic area generally. PHM has recognized and is increasingly addressing the climate crisis, and expects that work to strengthen in the immediate and foreseeable future.

The vision of the thematic area is recovery of the natural environment and ecosystem and its contribution to health.

The short-term goals relate to inclusion of more activists in the space and a more unified voice on the issues within PHM. Short-term goals for Environment and Ecosystem Health-

•Increased grassroots voice and activism within PHM to include more voices that expand vision beyond a European / WHO focus.

•Greater voice and activism among the younger generations, women, and indigenous peoples within PHM.

•Increased cohesion and ability to relate in a collective way within the thematic circle and among countries.

In this video, our coordinators explain the thematic group’s approach to the issue of Environment and Health.

If you wish to volunteer for this thematic group, contribute in anyway or have any questions, please contact one of our coordinators. Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay <b.mukhopadhyay[at]gmail.[dot]com>Sarah Shannon <sarahs[at]hesperian[dot]org>Amulya Nidhi <amulyabhai[at]gmail[dot]com>Erika Arteaga <erikarteaga[at]yahoo[dot]com>


The second episode of the GHW6 podcast series features Amulya Nidhi, national Co-convenor at PHM India and a member of the PHM Steering Council and the PHM thematic circle on … Read more

ESPANOL Desde el Movimiento por la Salud de los Pueblos manifestamos nuestra solidaridad con el pueblo Nasa y con todos y todas las familias que han perdido dirigentes y dirigentas … Read more

The events and processes of the People’s Health Hearing Nov ’21 can be watched on this Youtube Channel-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqyY5KXMkH8MlCS_JEUnNEA The other videos submitted to People’s Health Hearing Nov ’21 from different … Read more

PHM Extractive Industries/Ecosystem and Health thematic circle and Hesperian Health Guides are organising a discussion about the connections between Fracking and Plastic Production and Disposal, and how raising awareness about … Read more

A woman holding a placard sign saying "Bloody Petroleum"

Our members from the Environment and Ecosystem Health wrote an article connecting the anti extractivist movement to Right to Health and talk through examples of extractivism acitvities and resistance movements … Read more

Our comrades from PHM thematic group on Environment and Ecosystem Health explain the vision and philosophy of the group and send us their message on #PHM20years    

We are pleased to release the final Declaration of the Fourth People’s Health Assembly (PHA4). The Declaration, which is dedicated to our dear friend and comrade Amit Sengupta, is based … Read more

WHO watchers read out statement at EB144 – see video links below. For more information and all PHM statements and positions developed during WHO watch over the past years organised … Read more

Region: Europe Language: French Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Alexia Fouarge (Médecine pour le tiers monde, M3M) Summary: A joint campaign by M3M and the international solidarity movement … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: English Year: 2011 Source: Background paper commissioned for the WHO conference on the Social Determinants of Health (http://www.who.int/sdhconference/resources/draft_background_paper24_brazil.pdf) Author(s): Camila Giugliani, Denise Antunes do Nascimento, David … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: Spanish Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Marcela Bobatto (PHM Argentina) Summary: Movement initiated in 1990 by a group of sisters, active in health care … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: Spanish Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Sandra Marin (PHM Argentina) Summary: Classes on “plants for health” and community health in a public school for … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: Spanish Year: 2016 Source: contribution for the manual Author(s): Sandra Marin (PHM Argentina) Summary: Red Jarrilla is a network created in 2003 after a series of … Read more