EB 146 WATCH: Policy Briefs, Statements and Agenda

The People’s Health Movement’s WHO Watch team will be watching the EB 146 meeting that is taking place from 3-8 february.  Watch this space for daily reports, MMI/PHM statements to the Board and further analysis. The Watching team consists of Jennifer,Wilson, Melpomeni, Zoi, Natalie, Marta, Santosh, Giulia and Gargeya.
Important Links:
Check out the official WHO EB146 page.
Check PHM’s WHO Tracker for links to relevant documents and PHM comments on the agenda items.
Download Integrated Commentary in PDF form CLICK HERE.
The policy brief developed by the team can be downloaded CLICK HERE .

PHM, in collaboration with Medicus Mundi International, deliver statements at the meeting. See links to the statements presented by PHM at EB146, below.


6. Primary Health Care
7.1 Follow-up to the HLM of the UNGA on health related issues- UHC: moving together to build a healthier world.
10. Ending Tuberculosis
14. Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property
15.4 The public health implications of implementation of the Nagoya Protocol
19. Accelerating efforts on food safety
20. Data and innovation: draft global strategy on digital health
22.1 WHO reform
22.2 Engagement with non-State actors