Call for Applications | International People’s Health University- Online Short Course on Gender, Justice & Health 

International People’s Health University

Online Short Course


Gender, Justice & Health

29 October– 20 November 2021 

(29 & 30 October | 6 November | 12 & 13 November | 19 & 20 November)

Organised by- Gender Justice and Health Thematic Group of People’s Health Movement (PHM), Sama Resource Group for Women and Health, Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights

Call for Applications

We are happy to announce that the Gender, Justice Thematic Group of People’s Health Movement (PHM) in collaboration with Sama Resource Group for Women and Health and Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) is organising an online IPHU on Gender, Justice and Health.

The dates for IPHU are 29 & 30 October; 6 November; 12 & 13 November; 19 & 20 November 2021. For more details please click here or check

Time & Duration: Three hour session each day from 11:30 am – 2:30 pm (Indian Standard Time) / 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm (Philippines Standard Time).

The online application form can be filled using the link: Google form

Applications are due on or before 10 October 2021. Applications will go through a screening process.


We request you to share the Announcement and call for Application in your networks.


Sarojini N and Deepika Joshi – PHM

Neelanjana Das and Ragini De (volunteer)  – Sama

Marevic Parcon – WGNRR