People’s Health Movement global on the human rights violations in Nicaragua

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) condemns the actions of the Nicaraguan Government in deregistering the Centre for Information and Health Advisory Services (CISAS) and deporting its director Ana Quirós Víquez, because of their human rights advocacy. CISAS, established in 1983, at the height of the CIA-sponsored invasion of Nicaragua, has played an historic role in the struggle for health, peace and justice in Nicaragua.

PHM, globally, fully supports the demands of PHM Latin America for the restoration of the citizenship rights of Ana Quirós Víquez.

The PHM expresses its deepest concern regarding the violent repression by the government of Nicaragua of popular manifestations opposing pension reforms and human rights abuses.

PHM is a global network of civil society activists working for better health care, for action on the social determinants of health and for health equity. PHM has a presence in over 80 countries around the globe, including most countries in Latin America.

PHM conveys the solidarity of thousands of health activists around the world to CISAS and to Ana Quirós Víquez and other comrades associated with CISAS.

People’s Health Movement Global Steering Council

7 December 2018


Below find related links with further information on the repression of health workers in Nicaragua: